about me.

I am a human computer interaction researcher and PhD student in University of Chicago’s Computer Science department. I do research with the Human Computer Integration Lab and am advised by Pedro Lopes. I’ve been selected as a NSF Graduate Research Fellow and UChicago CS Liew Family Fellow.

Previously, I completed undergraduate degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science and a minor in Visual Media Studies at Duke University. I’ve also worked with the EarthVR and Daydream Labs teams at Google during an internship developing XR experiments.

My current research is driven by exploring alternative visions of future technologies. In particular, I’m interested in technologies that can foster more sustainable practices or an ecological way of thinking.

Rather than faster, smaller, and more ubiquitous, how can we build new interactive technologies that cater to more than human concerns?
Could we design for symbiotic relations between human, computer, and nature?

I build interactive devices to speculate on these questions. You can explore some of my previous and ongoing work in ‘Publications’ and ‘Projects’. If you’re asking similar questions or interested in discussing my work, please feel free to make contact!

Outside of my research, I’m also a
* feature editor for XRDS, a student-run ACM magazine
* organizer with Asian Americans Advancing Justice Chicago
* advocate for diversity and equity in academia and beyond
* carer of my beloved kitten, Luna

Email me at jasminelu@uchicago.edu or DM me on twitter @xjasminelu if you’re interested in chatting!